
RVCC项目 作为艺术展览平台的画廊和项目空间是否特别 projects and public programs which complement RVCC’s curriculum, 促进多样性, and enrich the cultural landscape of the community. The gallery hosts three exhibitions per year, highlighting the artistic achievements of artists working across media, with a special emphasis on critically engaged, rigorous art from the region. 


2022年秋季, 校长Alfred Williams召集了一个由RVCC员工组成的工作组,对学院未充分利用的空间进行评估,并就如何重新设计这些空间以更好地支持学生提出建议. 通过预演, conversations with college leadership, and extensive research into the value of arts programming, 决定将学院的接待区(以前称为“一站式”)转换为画廊空间,以增强学生的整体大学体验, support the College’s DEI efforts, and contribute to the vitality of the neighborhood and the community.


如果你感兴趣的话 表现出 your art or have an idea for an exhibition or a creative project, please email Eric Sutphin, Exhibition Coordinator, at (电子邮件保护).  





River Valley Community College

克莱尔蒙特校园 – Main Entrance


克莱蒙特,NH 03743


Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

A wide-angle view of an art gallery space with several 油漆ings and a sculpture.
Installation View, Inaugural Group Exhibition



2024年5月20日- 8月16日  

Opening Reception: Wednesday, June 5, 12-1pm



Jon Krasner  

克里圣. 劳伦特  


From botanical drawings to sculpture made from fungi, 几个世纪以来,艺术家们一直在生物领域寻找灵感和材料. 互惠互利是生物学中的一个术语,用来描述两种生物体之间相互受益的关系. 抽象地说, the reciprocity between art 与自然 can be interpreted as a kind of mutualism. 本次展览的四位当代艺术家分别展示了他们与自然的关系如何塑造了他们的艺术实践.   

安吉Follensbee-Hall使用纸浆和发现的材料创造了丰富的纹理雕塑,参考了植物的形式. 克里圣. 劳伦特 takes 微生物学 as her springboard, 经常结合细胞结构和其他微观元素作为她多媒体作品的出发点. 希瑟·斯特恩斯(希瑟斯登)在参考人体呼吸系统的发现物组合中探索了人类的形态. 乔恩·克拉斯纳(Jon Krasner)跨媒体工作,询问自然系统,并将其转化为庆祝自然和生物复杂性的艺术. Each artist in their own way embraces the natural world as a source of inspiration, 这样做的时候, reminds the viewer of the preciousness of natural resources, the fragility of life and the wonders and joy of discovery.  

Click here to download the press release. 



My parents are both artistic, though not directly artists. 来自我母亲, I learned to create passionately in my daily living, 烹饪, 和家政, and in artistic and spiritual pursuits. 从父亲那里我发现了对大自然的热爱,尤其是佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州的林地. 

我的艺术灵感来自大自然的世界:一缕草在冬天的风中摇曳, or the small sprout searching for the sun’s nourishment in spring. 在每一次创造中, I invoke a meditative quality reflecting upon the world of myth, 故事, 与自然, suggesting a connection between all beings at their source. 

I love everything about being an artist: the endless ideas and inspiration, 凌乱的艺术工作室, 建筑艺术, 创造艺术, 展示艺术. 在我的职业生涯中,我在国内和国际上展出和出售了许多艺术作品. My primary medium is handmade 纸. 近20年来,我一直在探索用预处理和原始植物纤维手工造纸的艺术. My art process is always evolving as I find new ways to be inspired. 

I transform many mixed media sources— rope, 纸, 油漆, and botanicals— with inspiration drawn from the world of nature. I have long been inspired by world myths, religions, and classic fables. I am interested in the shared stories and archetypal symbolism of all humanity. The imagery from these stories will often emerge in my 纸 creations. 在我的工作中, I seek to describe the relationship between humans, 地球, and the heavens in an intuitive felt experience 



我的童年是在罗德岛州和马萨诸塞州东南部度过的,在穆伦伯格学院(Muhlenberg College)完成了本科教育,主修艺术,拥有文科基础. 1990年,我获得了普拉特学院的美术硕士学位,主修绘画,辅修艺术史, 1994年, 获得第二个M.F.A. 毕业于波士顿大学平面设计专业,专注于数字成像和动态图形学.  

作为一名艺术家和设计师,我的多学科工作使我能够将绘画的学科结合起来, 数码影像, 动画, 音乐创作. This convergence is a hallmark of my teaching and practice. Recent mixed media assemblages, 数字蒙太奇, and short films combine original music and 动画 into immersive, 基于时间的旅程. 我的组合展示了一种直观的过程,即操纵和组合发现的材料,以传达海岸的白炽之美, the coexistence of natural and synthetic elements. 数字处理和蒙太奇的过程使我能够进一步探索光的变化特性, color, and texture and investigate symbiotic relationships between mathematics 与自然. 

克里圣. 劳伦特 是一位来自马萨诸塞州西部的视觉艺术家,徘徊在现实主义和抽象主义之间, chaos and meticulous detail.  Life-curious and death-casual, her mixed-media work references nature, 映射, 微生物学, 架构和内存, deconstructing the subjective lens and presenting impermanence as the grand unifier. 最近,她专注于响应工作,并与不同媒介的艺术家合作, specifically writers and musicians. 她的作品曾在当地和全国展出,她曾在温泉和皇家岛国家公园担任驻场艺术家. She teaches a variety of visual arts courses at Western New England University. 

Kerry received her BFA from the University of Massachusetts, 阿默斯特(2004), and her MFA from the University of Hartford (2006), both with a concentration in 油漆ing. To gain a broader understanding of administration and pedagogy, 她于2017年完成了高等教育和高等教育专业的教育博士学位. 她的博士研究调查了非专业入门工作室艺术课程中的技术整合和可转移技能建设. 



I am an active dreamer and when I wake up every day, I have to find a way to connect to 地球 again. I use collage art to process my human experience. 

我的目标是升级回收 & 对我来说,尽可能地重复使用和从垃圾填埋场中节省物品是一个很大的动力. My art materials are comprised of items from yard sales, 旧货店, second-hand home repair stores, and things gifted to me before getting thrown away. 我不自定义打印任何图像,只使用我发现创造新的艺术作品. 我依靠宇宙的能量来决定我找到的图像/文字,并受到启发,创作出唤起一系列情感的作品.  



Emmett Donlon: Recent Work

January 16 through May 17, 2024

Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 (free and open to the public)

RVCC项目 is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Manchester-based artist Emmett Donlon (b. 1997). Donlon’s artistic practice includes 油漆ing, video, 多媒体与纤维艺术, and through his work he explores themes of queer identity, 政治, 名人, 和死亡率. 在他的画作中, 唐隆经常从报纸和杂志上挪用图像,并将其作为他的具象作品的基础. 有时, 他选择的人物呈现出微妙的扭曲和夸张的特征,这是将摄影图像翻译成绘画图像的结果. 

透视和比例的变化有时会给肖像增添一种脆弱的感觉,或者增加它们的神秘感. 唐隆粗犷的表面促使观众更仔细地观察这幅画的正式品质,比如笔触, color, 以及油漆应用. The initial flash of recognition one might experience in a portrait of Judy Garland, 帕特·尼克松(Pat Nixon)或米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)让位于一种不可思议的感觉,这让唐伦的作品产生共鸣,无论你是否熟悉画中的主题. 

Also on view is a selection of landscapes done on-site, from life.  就像画像一样, there’s a familiarity inherent to these locales: a crisp pool of water, 一个字段, 森林峡谷. 然而, 迅捷的笔触和转瞬即逝的场景赋予了这些图像一种抽象的元素:它们表明了事物本身与其再现之间的裂痕. 这种即时性和熟悉感将这两个截然不同但又相互关联的系列联系在一起. 

艺术家的声明: Emmett Donlon holds a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University. His work mostly explores the intersections between personal and shared histories, gathering references from pop culture, 历史档案, 个人收藏. The absurdity of life and death often consumes his time.